Thursday, February 4, 2010

Incident Report Assignment Tips (Question 2)

Hopefully by now you have started to write your responses to the three incident report scenarios. I sincerely hope that you are assidiously working on the project as well. Each group should send me a copy of your questionnaire and interview questions today, February 4, 2010. You should submit the items to me via email at . You may also give them to Miss Chambers or Phil Dacres. I will not be in the institution until next week but Phil will forward the items to me so that I can provide feedback next week. You may also submit any drafts of the incident report that you have done.

Now back to the assignment for today's class. In class today you are required to work on your draft for question 2 from the incident report assignment. Being kind, generous and benevolent I have decided to give you further assistance. Below is a link to an extract that explains the safety precautions that should be followed when operating transformers and the how to treat persons who have been exposed to electrical shock. Download and read the extract, it should provide good technical information that can be used for question 2.

Extract taken from Integrated Publishing

After you have read and digested the information form the extract, you need to write an outline of the incident report. You may use the following steps to help create your outline.

Step 1: Select the characters for your report.
  • What are the names of the persons involved in the incident?
  • Are any of the crew members new or inexperienced?
  • Are any of the crew members normally careless or not careful enough?

Step 2: Determine the level of safety guideline breach

  • Was the incident just a bizarre accident that cannot easily be explained?
  • Was there a small or a large breach of safety guidelines?
  • Which safety precaution, if any, was ignored?

Step 3: Determine the level of injury

  • Has anyone died as a result of the incident? If not, what is the extent of the injury?

Step 4: Creating the outline

  • Separate your outline into three sections: before, during and after
  • For each section, write down some points that you will address in that section

Step 5: Organize the points so that they make sense logically

And voila! Your outline is complete!

Now you may start writing your draft. Simply develop each point into cohesive sentences. Be careful when your writing. Check for incorrect spellings and improper paragraphing.

Tip!: If you type your draft you may use the spell check feature in Microsoft Word to check your work. Even if you are writing the draft you can still use Word to check for a single word. Just type the word. If a red line appears below it then the word may be spelt incorrectly. Right click on the word and the programme may show a list containing the correct spelling.

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